Научно-практический журнал «Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуск №4 (20) 2023

Volodarskaya E.A., Guzenko A.Y.
The relationship of resilience, compassion for yourself and others, and professional self-attitude of specialists in socionomic professions
The article analyses the results of the study of the relationship between hardiness, self-compassion and professional self-esteem of specialists in socionomic professions. The results of empirical research on a sample of 55 specialists of socionomic professions served as the material for analysis. The following methods were used: «Hardiness Survey» by S. Muddy, «Self-Compassion Scale» by K. Neff and «Professional Self-Relationship Questionnaire» by Karpinsky K.V., the method «Compassion Fatigue/Satisfaction Self-Test» by C. Figley, B. Stamm. It is concluded that there is a high level of internal conflict in professional self-attitude among all respondents, which is manifested in high levels of self-abasement and self-blame in the profession. A strong direct correlation was found between the level of emotional stability and positive professional self-attitude.

Key words
• hardiness • professional self-estee • socionomic professions • self-compassion • compassion fatigue •
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.