The article substantiates the need for an integrated approach to assessing and taking into account the role of the value-semantic space in increasing the level of maturity of personnel policy in the civil service. It is shown that to date these aspects have not been sufficiently reflected in scientific discourse. Based on the analysis of management practice and research results of reputable research centers, the possibilities of incorporating the principles of value management into the practice of implementing personnel policy in the public civil service are revealed. The influence of the value-motivational space on the quality of personnel policy in the civil service is revealed, practice-oriented proposals for the transition to a model of proactive personnel policy based on a value-based approach and principles of motivational management are substantiated.
Key words
• state civil service • personnel policy • value • motive • value-semantic space • management by values •
Bogdanov Andrey Alexandrovich
Individual entrepreneur, Head of peasant farming, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation