«Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуски журнала

№ 2 (22) | 2024
The article presents an analysis of the interrelationships of mentoring indicators with the socio-psychological characteristics of managers in the organizational environment. The study is based on data from psychological testing and a social network survey and identifies links between mentoring and various aspects of personality and behavior. The study revealed that mentoring in an organizational context demonstrates a weak positive relationship with various personality characteristics, including socio-demographic characteristics, motivations, and some intellectual and personal characteristics, which indicates the heterogeneity of the general population of managers and the need for a more detailed study with the division of the genset into various subgroups. The results of the analysis of age and gender characteristics of the influence of mentoring on various aspects of personality and professional behavior suggest the need to take into account individual preferences when developing programs to support and develop leaders as mentors. The preferences of managers of different ages with a high degree of mentoring in the areas of communication, verbal logic, health and intellectual abilities also emphasize the importance of personalized approaches in the development of training and development programs. Overall, the results provide a valuable basis for further research and the development of strategies to support mentoring in an organizational environment.
he article reviews the results of the research aimed at studying the alignment of the reference model of work with personnel (the Concept of State Personnel Policy of the Republic of Belarus was adopted in 2024) and individual managerial experience of civil servants. The subject of the research was the perceptions of managerial personnel about the problems of the Concept realization, ways and means of overcoming them. It’s based on the basis of survey method and content analysis. Substantive spectrum of problems as well as directions of their solutions were revealed in the group of managerial personnel; a quantitative predominance of constructive suggestions was found in comparison with problematized aspects of personnel work.
The article is devoted to the problem of studying parental attitudes towards preschoolers with stuttering as one of the factors affecting the success of overcoming speech communication disorders in preschoolers in the holistic process of family group logopsychotherapy. It presents the results of a practical study in the group of compensatory orientation for preschoolers with stuttering. The material for the analysis was the results of the test «Questionnaire of Parental Attitude» on a sufficient sample of respondents. A comparative analysis of the data showed a positive trend in parental attitude. Practical experience in the organization of preschool family group logopsychotherapy is summarized. The importance of the family-oriented approach, forms and methods of working with children and parents, which allow to ensure active speech communication and interaction of all participants in the logopsychotherapeutic process, are considered. The practice of preschool family group logopsychotherapy, forms and methods of working with children and parents, which allow ensuring verbal communication and interaction of all participants in the logopsychotherapeutic process, are described. Based on the analysis of the experience of working with parents, the conditions that contribute to the dynamics of parental attitude through the formation of parents’ motivation to actively participate in overcoming stuttering in children, teaching constructive strategies in interaction with children and reflecting on their own child-parent experience are revealed.
The article describes a new look at the feasibility, frequency and composition of collected personnel information both on the scale of an individual government agency and on the scale of the civil service system. The use of personnel analytics data, including the determination of the list of personnel metrics necessary for accounting, will allow us to achieve a systematic solution to the problem of adjusting or developing a proactive personnel policy in the system of government bodies, and will equip regulators of state personnel policy with tools to influence the state of maturity of personnel technologies. The article explores and describes the prerequisites for significantly better use of the capabilities of the state information system for managing personnel in the civil service.
The theses describe the trends and practices of obtaining additional professional education on municipal service and anti-corruption issues in order to adapt municipal employees to this type of professional activity and improve their professionalism and competence. Examples of training and anti-corruption education implemented in the city administration are given. Blagoveshchensk, Amur region, moreover, both for persons entering the municipal service for the first time, and those who fill positions in a local government body and constantly face tasks to solve issues of local importance with strict compliance with anti-corruption legislation. A norm aimed at improving the current legislation on municipal service is proposed.
The article presents the results of a study of civil servants’ perceptions of the most significant values in their areas of responsibility and needs. It is shown that in the sphere of responsibility, responsibility itself, service to society and the state and professional competence have the greatest positive social and personal significance, while unprofessionalism, interference in teamwork and violations of the law have the greatest negative social and personal significance. At the same time, it was found that in the field of needs, service to society and the state, patriotism, increasing their level of professionalism and striving for personal improvement have the greatest positive social and personal significance for respondents, and the greatest negative social and personal significance is the need to make ill–considered and spontaneous decisions, unprofessionalism and fulfillment of illegal requirements of management.
The article examines the features of the formation of traditional personal values in the management of human resource development in modern organizations and higher educational institutions. It is noted that the Russian Federation, as a sovereign and strong state, relies on fundamental and applied research in the field of social management, humanitarian and applied knowledge, traditions, social values, and accumulated social experience in its state personnel policy. The preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian values is considered as one of the priority systemic activities in the social spheres of education, science and culture. It is shown that the management of human resource development covers a wide range of issues, including the development of a management strategy, a motivational mechanism, organizational methods and technologies for implementing concepts of personal development management in a particular organization. The author proposes to put the ideological orientation of the educational process at the center of state educational policy, its fundamentality combined with a focus on results and effectiveness. It is proposed to use the course «Ministry Training» as a tool for the formation of traditional values, culture of service, civic identity and social orientation among future state and municipal employees.
The article substantiates the need for an integrated approach to assessing and taking into account the role of the value-semantic space in increasing the level of maturity of personnel policy in the civil service. It is shown that to date these aspects have not been sufficiently reflected in scientific discourse. Based on the analysis of management practice and research results of reputable research centers, the possibilities of incorporating the principles of value management into the practice of implementing personnel policy in the public civil service are revealed. The influence of the value-motivational space on the quality of personnel policy in the civil service is revealed, practice-oriented proposals for the transition to a model of proactive personnel policy based on a value-based approach and principles of motivational management are substantiated.
A brief report on the V International Research To Practice Conference «Personality in Management Systems» held in 2024 is presented.
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.