Научно-практический журнал «Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуск №4 (20) 2023

Mazurova N.V.
Family and child in the modern world: questions to solve
Changes in the historical and social situation determine qualitative mental, physiological and personal changes in modern children, changes in the attitude of young people towards family and marriage and in their approach in raising the younger generations. Based on the systemic principle, an analysis of the phenomenon of the “modern child” was carried out. The article examines the physical and psychological characteristics of modern children, the specifics of family functions and the influence of family education on the development of children’s personality, highlights the features of the social situation of the upbringing and the features of macrosocial factors affecting the family and the child. The issues of family and state education of children in modern Russia are raised, and possible ways to solve them are presented.

Key words
• childhood • socio-psychological situation of development • family • family education • macrosocial factors of development •
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.