«Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуски журнала

№ 3 (23) | 2024

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Changes in the historical and social situation determine qualitative mental, physiological and personal changes in modern children, changes in the attitude of young people towards family and marriage and in their approach in raising the younger generations. Based on the systemic principle, an analysis of the phenomenon of the “modern child” was carried out. The article examines the physical and psychological characteristics of modern children, the specifics of family functions and the influence of family education on the development of children’s personality, highlights the features of the social situation of the upbringing and the features of macrosocial factors affecting the family and the child. The issues of family and state education of children in modern Russia are raised, and possible ways to solve them are presented.
The fundamental changes in psychological meaning that have been observed in recent changes concern all aspects of family development. The transformation of marital relations in modern families is expressed, first of all, in the preservation of the structural and content characteristics of the motivation of marriage, its functionalrole structure, and the guiding regulation of marital, marital and family relationships. Most often, such trends are observed in large cities, while in smaller cities they correspond to the traditions of the Russian family. The purpose of this study is the nature of differences in the manifestations of motives in marriages among spouses living in megacities and cities with a population of 250 to 500 thousand people. Research methods: survey, testing, systemic and structural approaches to description and a strict hierarchy of motives in this case. The results obtained reveal additional differences in the main problems among respondents living in metropolitan areas and small towns, as well as the lack of the necessary level of psychological and social support for fraternal and family lifestyle among young people living in metropolitan areas. It has been established that in the hierarchy of motives of young people living in megacities, motives of an individualistic and biological nature predominate, i.e. the functions of marriage for them are practically no different from the romantic period. Among young people from relatively small cities, the hierarchy of motives is dominated by motives of mutual love and fidelity, as well as motives of parental and mutual psychological support, which indicates a more conscious idea of marriage and family, as well as higher psychological and social support for married and family life.
The article is devoted to the problem of studying parental attitudes towards preschoolers with stuttering as one of the factors affecting the success of overcoming speech communication disorders in preschoolers in the holistic process of family group logopsychotherapy. It presents the results of a practical study in the group of compensatory orientation for preschoolers with stuttering. The material for the analysis was the results of the test «Questionnaire of Parental Attitude» on a sufficient sample of respondents. A comparative analysis of the data showed a positive trend in parental attitude. Practical experience in the organization of preschool family group logopsychotherapy is summarized. The importance of the family-oriented approach, forms and methods of working with children and parents, which allow to ensure active speech communication and interaction of all participants in the logopsychotherapeutic process, are considered. The practice of preschool family group logopsychotherapy, forms and methods of working with children and parents, which allow ensuring verbal communication and interaction of all participants in the logopsychotherapeutic process, are described. Based on the analysis of the experience of working with parents, the conditions that contribute to the dynamics of parental attitude through the formation of parents’ motivation to actively participate in overcoming stuttering in children, teaching constructive strategies in interaction with children and reflecting on their own child-parent experience are revealed.
The article presents the author’s cycle of classes «Into history with a book», which contributes to the formation of civic identity among schoolchildren aged 7-14 years. The article describes the methodology of presenting material about the heroic past of our country through the prism of the works of outstanding figures of culture and art, with the participation of listeners and the inclusion of game elements. The cycle of classes contributes to the improvement of the cultural level of participants, the motivation of reading, the development of thinking, imagination and communication, as well as the effectiveness of cooperation between all interested organizations.
The paper presents an analysis of government programs and tools for the development of youth and family entrepreneurship. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that family businesses have higher growth rates and sustainability in times of crisis. In this regard, family companies can become a driver of development of the national economy. The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of students’ career preferences in 2021-2023. Three career strategies were proposed for evaluation: building your own business, working in a large company, building a family business. The study was conducted within the framework of the International Scientific Project InterGen. Empirical base: 488 subjects. The results of statistical analysis showed that the most preferred career is building your own business, followed by working in a large company. The least attractive is the prospect of creating/continuing a family business (a significant decrease was revealed over 2 years). 10 directions are proposed to popularize family business in Russia.
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the concepts of «communication», «family communication», and highlights the main components of this process and its types. Next, the main communication features between spouses in marriage, with the appearance of children, and communication with adolescents are identified. Family communication as a special type of communication between family members, can act as an indicator of the functioning of the family system, and at the same time act as a target for providing psychological assistance to family members to improve relationships within the family. Family communication serves the purpose of educating the younger generation, transferring knowledge, traditions, skills, strengthening marriage and maintaining love and mutual assistance.
The article provides approaches to the civil identity research by the method of theoretical analysis of publications and articles on this problem. The concepts of «social identity», «civil identity», «ethnic identity» are analyzed. The article provides the structure of civil identity, as well as its place among social identities of the individual. The formation factors of civil identity are also analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the issues of the relationship and compatibility of civil and ethnic identities, specifically: the similarity of their structure, as well as similarity of the factors of their formation, which gives prospects for further research of their compatibility and emphasizes the influence of ethnocultural socialization on the formation of civil identity. The process of forming a positive civil identity is one of the most important directions of the state national policy of the Russian Federation because civil identity is a powerful factor in the consolidation and innovative development of a society. However, at the moment civil identity in the Russian Federation is still extremely uncertain, which allows us to outline the further direction of civil identity research as a society-forming factor.
The article explores the impact of distributed teams on the formation and maintenance of organizational culture in e-commerce. It analyzes the challenges companies face in the absence of physical interaction between participants and suggests strategies for maintaining cultural values in today’s work environment. The paper reviews the literature on organizational culture and distributed teams and presents research findings on the impact of remote work on organizational culture. The results of surveys of employees working in distributed teams are analyzed and examples of successful companies that have implemented effective strategies to maintain and develop organizational culture in remote work environments are provided. It is noted that the remote working format can negatively impact the «hidden» part of communication that is conveyed through context and social cues, and that this can lead to a loss of intuitive understanding and context of messages. To address this issue, it is recommended to use software tools for project management and productivity, and to develop digital literacy and employee self-motivation.
The article analyzes the key components in compiling image portraits and are called HR-amplua. The resourcefulness of these components in the formation of manager’s success is substantiated and the necessity of their consideration in the procedure of personnel selection is shown. The image-forming function of HR-amplua, which determines their influence on success, is considered as the basic one. The formula of success is given, which assumes archetype as an integral component. It is concluded that it is possible to develop digitalization in personnel assessment on the basis of using the concept of HR-amplua, the set of which forms the dramaturgical code of success.
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.