Научно-практический журнал «Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуск №4 (20) 2023

Usovich K.I.
HR-amplua: the drama code of managerial success
The article analyzes the key components in compiling image portraits and are called HR-amplua. The resourcefulness of these components in the formation of manager’s success is substantiated and the necessity of their consideration in the procedure of personnel selection is shown. The image-forming function of HR-amplua, which determines their influence on success, is considered as the basic one. The formula of success is given, which assumes archetype as an integral component. It is concluded that it is possible to develop digitalization in personnel assessment on the basis of using the concept of HR-amplua, the set of which forms the dramaturgical code of success.

Key words
• personnel assessment • image • HR • success • amplua • dramaturgy •
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.