Научно-практический журнал «Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуск №4 (20) 2023

Kirilyuk O.G.
Socially significant projects in solving the problems of municipalities in changing contexts
In the article, the author examines the key trends that determine new challenges and requirements for the local government system in general, and the activities of local governments in particular. The author notes that in the context of radical transformations, issues related to understanding the social context, the possibilities and awareness of the changes taking place, and the ability to form an adequate managerial response to modern challenges are of particular importance. The article reveals the problems of the development of the project approach and the formation of project culture, substantiates the possibilities of project management in solving the problems of municipalities, presents the experience of involving students in the development and implementation of socially significant projects in the context of «learning by service», the formation of a new management culture.

Key words
• local government • social change • youth • ministry training • project management • socially significant projects •
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.