«Личность: ресурсы и потенциал» | Выпуски журнала

№ 4 (24) | 2024
The article examines the key problems that combat veterans face when transitioning from military service to civilian life. The following methods were used to study the problems of veterans’ adaptation: a problem-analytical business game and content analysis of problems. The key problem areas in veterans’ adaptation to civilian life were identified: psycho-emotional, social and economic difficulties. A conclusion was made about the need for a comprehensive approach to studying the problems of combat veterans’ adaptation and organizing support programs. Based on the analysis, recommendations are proposed for creating comprehensive support programs aimed at ensuring the psychological and social integration of veterans.
The article examines the results of studying the personal characteristics of civil servants occupying various positions at different levels. The Five-factor Personality Questionnaire 5FPQ was used as a diagnostic tool for the study of personality characteristics. The results showed that differences in the severity of extraversion, benevolence and openness to experience (and their constituent facets) exist both between «non-managers» and «managers», as well as between managers occupying various positions at different levels. It was found that managers have higher levels of extraversion and openness to experience and low values of benevolence. It was also found that the relationship between personality traits, their facets and job levels is a non-linear (U-shaped) character.
The article is devoted to the study of motivation of middle level managers in Public Management within the framework of the advanced education program. The relevance of this topic in the context of increasing the efficiency of public institutions and improving the quality of life of citizens is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the identification of key factors of motivation and the development of recommendations for their optimization. The research is based on the analysis of the survey data of middle managers obtained during the program of additional professional education and processed using the method of content analysis. It is shown that the motivation of employees of middle managers of public service depends on a set of factors, including working conditions, level of payment, atmosphere in the team and opportunities for professional growth. Practical recommendations for increasing the level of motivation are related to setting clear goals, creating a feedback system, training and development, creating a favorable working environment and resource allocation. The study emphasizes the importance of job specificity and job level in the civil service and suggests ways to develop more effective human resource management strategies.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological characteristics of emotional burnout of information technology employees. The article reveals the meaningful characteristics of the burnout syndrome, substantiates the importance of timely detection of symptoms and psychological assistance to specialists in the field of information technology. The material for the analysis was the data of a study conducted in the period from February to March 2024 on the basis of the IT company AtimEdiasErvice LLC, an accredited IT company and a resident of Skolkovo (in Moscow). 80 IT specialists participated in the study. The comparative analysis of indicators of emotional burnout syndrome in groups of information technology specialists with different work experience in the organization using mathematical statistics methods revealed differences in the experience of symptoms of emotional burnout among IT specialists with different work experience in the organization.
In the article, the author examines the key trends that determine new challenges and requirements for the local government system in general, and the activities of local governments in particular. The author notes that in the context of radical transformations, issues related to understanding the social context, the possibilities and awareness of the changes taking place, and the ability to form an adequate managerial response to modern challenges are of particular importance. The article reveals the problems of the development of the project approach and the formation of project culture, substantiates the possibilities of project management in solving the problems of municipalities, presents the experience of involving students in the development and implementation of socially significant projects in the context of «learning by service», the formation of a new management culture.
The article analyzes the current stage of development of the civil service of the Russian Federation, examines the issues of sociological support and the role of sociological information in making managerial decisions. Based on a retrospective analysis of the formation and allocation of the sociology of public service as an independent scientific field, the focus shifts to the role and functions of the sociology of public service in changing contexts. Special attention is paid to the issues of quality and methodological support of monitoring sociological research in the civil service. Based on the analysis of approaches and established management practices, the directions of development of the sociology of public service are substantiated, which allow us to comprehend the processes of organizing communicative discourse at a new conceptual level, provide a dialogic model of interaction, form a social base for innovation and institutional change management, and improve the quality of solving development tasks.
The article discusses the key issues related to the development of the evaluation system for public civil servants. Attention is focused on the possibilities of assessing professional competencies. It is noted that the current recruitment procedure for the state civil service does not fully ensure the formation of a qualified and stable personnel corps, which is clearly demonstrated by statistical data on the stability of personnel in public authorities. It is shown that the assessment is able to ensure high-quality recruitment, which means to reduce turnover, as well as to draw timely conclusions about the effectiveness of the employee and his competence, about systemic measures necessary for personal and professional development and further career changes. Based on the analysis of the assessment practice established in the authorities of the Novosibirsk region, the key problem areas are highlighted and the directions of development associated with both the transformation of the approach itself and the improvement of the quality of the assessment tools themselves are substantiated.
The article highlights the factors of relevance of considering professional career and career orientations in the context of perfectionism. The absence of Russian-language studies of the relationship between perfectionism and professional career is revealed. It is shown that foreign publications examine the influence of perfectionism on the career plans of young people, but do not touch upon the connection between perfectionism and the career preferences of working people. The results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of 93 respondents are presented. The relationships of career orientations with various types of perfectionism (directed at oneself and others, socially prescribed), as well as with the severity of aspects of perfectionistic self-presentation are discussed.
The content of the study is based on a modern interpretation of the influence of information asymmetry as one of the classic examples of «failures» of the market economy on the personnel management of the organization. The main results on the topic of the study include: updating the content of information asymmetry in the context of an open information society and the activities of the organization to attract the best personnel and effectively manage their movement in the organization; a detailed assessment of each stage of personnel movement within the organization with an interpretation of the negative consequences of the influence of information asymmetry on management decisions, communications, functions performed, and personnel motivation; identification of problems faced by organizations in the field of personnel management in the context of information asymmetry. Special attention in the work is given to the correlation of information asymmetry and the «human factor» in ensuring the processes of personnel management of the organization.
Materials of the round table devoted to the discussion of the peculiarities of the personality and activities of modern Russian leaders at senior positions in the managerial hierarchy and working in the field of public administration or in the field of economics. The participants of the round table, experts in the field of diagnostics and evaluation of managerial personnel, reflected on the imperative personal qualities and the most important skills and abilities of modern Russian senior managers, about which personal qualities are unacceptable for top managers; They analyzed the features of psychological portraits of modern Russian senior managers in the civil service and in the economic sphere; expressed their opinion on the differences between the declared and real values of top managers and the influence of the values of managers on the activities of their subordinates; discussed the basic principles of modern Russian senior managers and the degree of compliance of these principles with the categorical moral imperative.
Electronic scientific and practical journal Personality: Resources and Potential ISSN 2782-4144
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: El No. FS77-73 391 dated August 03, 2018.